An impossible murder.
Dark conspiracies.
Shiftless outsiders scurrying on the outskirts of the city.
Violent warnings under black skies.
A noir tale of survival and revenge, all happening on a small patch of ice on the Saturn moon of Enceladus.
A very, very small patch.

Chiminage - a toll paid for passage through the forest.
"We learn fast that pain, true pain, lives outside of time. It arrives in a tantalizing shear of liminal precognition, the thudding sky before the storm. We formulate routes of escape, believing that the stranger at the door could be turned away with the right words. Except that the shadow darkening our doorstep is never a stranger. It doesn’t matter what we do, what we say, whether the heart is flooded by prayers or screams.
We learn that pain is patient.
The door always opens."
Read it in:
Metaphorosis: Best of 2018

In a near future devastated by ecological catastrophe, a young woman at the edge of death shows up at the gates of a secretive desert commune. Onelia is a refugee from her home, her family, her own identity as a young artist in a world falling apart. Survival requires leaving everything behind. When the billionaire industrialist running the compound offers Onelia the ultimate escape via a groundbreaking method of time travel, how can she turn it down?
Four hundred years later, Malik and The Flea, his sentient jump-ship and best friend, travel the vast emptiness of space looking for salvage of the past. Together, they sift through the detritus of Earth’s galactic wake to claim entries in le Catalogue Des Objets Déplacé, a virtual scavenger hunt of everything thought lost to time; artifacts both legendary and mundane, historical documents, long extinct species.
Although separated by centuries, Onelia’s and Malik’s lives begin to intertwine on a mythical starship at the furthest edges of possibility, along with its even more impossible cargo. With potential repercussions up and down the timestream, a choice will have to be made.
Should some things remain lost?
Available NOW from:

I am a writer of speculative fiction and horror whose stories have appeared in various publications including Kaleidotrope, The Future Fire, and Metaphorosis: Best of 2018. My science fiction novelette, THE CATALOG OF LOST OBJECTS, is available now from AURELIA LEO press.
When not writing my way through the dark Wisconsin winters, you can find me rambling on Twitter @svengali.